Weight Loss Vacation Strive For Healthy Morning

One way to help children to do well in school is to feed them healthy meals, especially for breakfast.

Roberta Anding, a registered dietitian at the Texas Children’s Hopsital  in Houston says, “children need breakfast everyday for a variety of reasons.  She also mentions, “Actively growing children need food at regular intervals to fuel their bodies and brains.  Skipping breakfast gives as much as a 10-12-hour time frame with no food, and the potential for compromised school performance and irritability.”

Children who do eat breakfast have a better regulation of body weight, Anding states.  By eating breakfast is will increase the chances of an overall healthier diet and less chances of childhood obesity.  Children who start the day by eating a healthy breakfast are more likely to play sports and be more active which also helps prevent childhood obesity.  Eating breakfast will also improve a child’s ability to concentrate and perform in school.

Weight Loss Vacation Strive For Healthy Morning
Weight Loss Camps For Teen
Come up with healthy breakfast ideas for kids.  “Healthy options include whole grain, low-sugar cereal with low-fat milk and fresh fruit, or a yogurt berry parfait with granola,” says Anding.  Or consider offering your kids a whole-grain English muffin with peanut butter or jelly and a glass of low fat milk.  There are any healthy options for kids, like scrambled eggs with lightly buttered toast, turkey bacon or sausage with a side of fresh fruit, a whole-grain bagel and cream cheese with a side of strawberries, and low fat cheese toast with cantaloupe or blueberries.  Try to avoid giving kids sweet foods in the morning such as doughnuts, or cereals that are high in sugar, because when the sugar wears off, the kids are likely to get tired and don’t have energy to be active.

Anding suggests when time is a factor, make breakfast portable.  She says, “Try sandwiches, like peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese leftover from dinner.  Dry cereal in a sandwich baggie and a 100 percent real-juice juice box can make breakfast stree-free.”

You can save some time if you plan breakfast the night before.  A busy working mother and director of Temple Trager Preschool in Louisville, KY, says, “This will allow you to plan ahead and know how much time you need in the morning.  That way everyone isn’t saying: ‘I don’t know what I want,’ or asking for something you don’t have.”

Healthy breakfast meals do not have to be time consuming or ever homemade.  You can find prepared healthy breakfast foods that can go into the microwave, just look in the freezer section at the grocery store for pre-made meals.  Like most families, you might be in a hurry in the morning, just grab a banana or a Nutrigrain bar, it’s healthy and on the go!